Tuesday 24 September 2019

Dairy Terms & Definitions Part-VI

A device similar to an earring that dairy farmers place in the ears of their animals to identify each member of the herd. Ear tags contain a number that is given to that particular cow and allows the dairy farmer to maintain accurate health and milk production records.
A term used by critics of modern food production (often used to describe animal agriculture) to refer to larger-scale farms. According to Dairypesa research, 97 percent of dairy farms in the Kenya are family-owned and operated.
Dairypesa research report shows that 97 percent of dairy farms in the Kenya are owned and operated by families.
Partialy severe, highly contagious viral disease of cattle and other livestock including sheep, goats and other cloven-hooved ruminants. FMD is not a health threat to humans. The Kenya has been free of FMD since 2005.
Cow feed that is high in fiber, such as whole plants of corn, small grains (such as oats, barley, or wheat), legumes, and grasses.
Also see Silage & Hay.
A modern barn that houses and protects the dairy herd and provides a comfortable resting area. It includes individual stalls and bedding for each cow as well as free access to clean water and feed 24 hours a day. Free-stalls provide outstanding ventilation and many are climate controlled allowing for cow cooling measures such as misters and fans in the summer and curtains and sidewalls for the winter. The cows are not restrained
and are free to enter, lie down, rise and leave the barn whenever they desire.
A modern barn that houses and protects the dairy herd and provides a comfortable resting area. It includes individual stalls and bedding for each cow, and access to clean water and feed 24 hours a day. Freestall barns provide optimal ventilation and many are climate controlled, allowing for cow cooling measures such as misters and fans in the summer and curtains and sidewalls for the winter. Cows are not restrained and are free to enter, lie down, rise, and leave the barn as they desire.
A cow that has recently given birth to a calf.
An Animal’s genetic makeup
The process of intentionally making a copy of a gene for a desired trait from one plant or organism and using it in another plant. Fluid milk is not genetically modified nor are the cows that produce the milk.

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