Monday 30 September 2019

Dairy Terms & Definitions Part- VIII

A process applied to milk that results in fat globules being reduced in size to allow a smooth consistency.
A trained professional who specializes in the trimming of a cow’s hooves on a regular basis in order to maintain comfort. Hoof trimmers are trained to detect disease, injury or other hoof-related problems and can advise farmers on treatments.
A chemical messenger from one cell (or group of cells) to another. Hormones are naturally present in many foods of plant and animal origin, including all milk. Bovine somatotropin is a naturally-occurring protein hormone in cows. A trace amount of this hormone is present in all milk, including organic products, and is digested when humans eat it, just like other proteins. References to hormones on milk packaging refer to whether farmers produce milk by treating their cows with a supplemental hormone.
An individual housing unit designed for young calves.
A form of assisted reproduction of dairy cows used by farmers.
A forum for the dairy industry – including farmer organizations, dairy cooperatives, processors, and brands – to work together pre-competitively to address barriers and foster innovation. The Innovation Center aligns the collective resources of the industry to offer consumers nutritious dairy products and ingredients, and promote the health of people, communities, and the planet.
The replacement or supplementation of rainfall with water from another source in order to grow crops. Irrigation sources include a nearby or distant body of water such as a river, spring, lake, aquifer, well or snowpack. The water can be directly channeled to the fields or stored in a reservoir for later use.
A breed of dairy cattle that is renowned for the high butterfat content of its milk. Jersey cows are smaller than other breeds (800 to 1,200 pounds) and are known for their big eyes, honey-brown color and docile natures.
A bacterial infection in the intestines of ruminant animals, including cattle and certain other domesticated and wild animals worldwide. While not known to be transmissible to humans, the Kenyan government and the dairy industry are working to control/manage Johne’s because it affects the productivity of dairy cows.

The secretion of milk from the cow’s udder.
An on-farm storage basin for cow manure that is dug into the ground like a pond and lined to prevent absorption into the earth. Manure is mixed with water to provide a natural fertilizer for crops that are grown to feed cows. Many government inspections and regulations oversee the construction and use of lagoons and manure.
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